We investigate the increase of the Curie temperature T C in a lateral spin injection geometry where the ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As injector and detector contacts are capped by a thin iron film. Because of interlayer coupling between Fe and (Ga,Mn)As T C gets enhanced by nearly 100% for the thinnest (Ga,Mn)As films. The use of the proximity effect might pave the way for practical implementation of spintronic devices. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.056601 PACS numbers: 72.25.Àb, 75.30.Et, 75.50.Pp, 85.75.Àd The diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) (Ga,Mn)As [1] stands out as a seminal spintronic material due to its high spin polarization [2,3] and superior interfacing properties with nonmagnetic semiconductors. This opens a way to semiconducting spintronic devices with functionalities such as nonvolatility and the additional spin degree of freedom [4]. However, the persistently low Curie temperature of DMS has been an obstacle for the integration of DMS into electronic devices. It has been recently shown that the presence of a thin layer of Fe couples the magnetic moments of Fe and Mn in Fe=ðGa; MnÞAs bilayers up to room temperature (RT), thus well exceeding the T C of (Ga,Mn)As [5][6][7]. This proximity polarization leads to an antiparallel coupling of the Fe and Mn moments within an interfacial region of a few nm thickness in the (Ga,Mn)As film. In addition, exchange bias has been observed in the Fe=ðGa; MnÞAs bilayer system at lower temperatures T [7]. Similar exchange bias has been obtained in MnAs= ðGa; MnÞAs bilayers [8][9][10]. Differently, NiFe=ðGa; MnÞAs bilayers switch their magnetization independently [11] and also MnTe=ðGa; MnÞAs heterojunctions did not show exchange bias [12]. Here we use the interlayer coupling between Fe and (Ga,Mn)As to explore its impact on the operation temperature of (Ga,Mn)As based spin injector or detector contacts in a lateral transistorlike geometry.The experiments described below demonstrate enhanced spin injection temperatures measured in an all-electrical fashion.The heterojunctions were grown by molecular-beamepitaxy (MBE) on (001) GaAs substrates and consist of a 1000 nm thick n-type transport channel, doped with 4 Â 10 16 cm À3 Si, a 15 nm thin n ! n þ GaAs transition layer (n þ ¼ 5 Â 10 18 cm À3 ), 8 nm n þ -GaAs, and 2.2 nm low-temperature (LT)-grown Al 0:36 Ga 0:64 As, serving as a diffusion barrier, followed by LT-grown Ga 0:95 Mn 0:05 As, the thickness of which was chosen between 5 and 20 nm. The highly doped ðGa; MnÞAs=GaAs pn junction forms an Esaki diode [13,14]. In a next step the wafers were transferred, without breaking vacuum, into an attached metal-MBE chamber, where 2 nm of Fe, corresponding to 14 monolayers (MLs), were epitaxially grown at RT, and finally covered by 4 nm (20 MLs) of Au. The lateral channel of the devices was made by standard lithographic techniques. Electron beam lithography was used to pattern the Fe=ðGa; MnÞAs injector and detector contacts, oriented along the [110] direction, i.e., the easy axis of Fe. A schematic of the sample layout ...