17Strongyloidiasis is a neglected disease caused by the human infective nematodes 18 Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides fuelleborni subsp. fuelleborni and Strongyloides 19 fuelleborni subsp. kellyi. The zoonotic potential of S. stercoralis and the potential role of dogs 20 in the maintenance of strongyloidiasis transmission has been a topic of interest and discussion 21 for many years. In Australia, strongyloidiasis is prevalent in remote socioeconomically 22 disadvantaged communities in the north of the continent. Being an isolated continent that has 23 been separated from other regions for a long geological period, knowledge on the diversity of 24 Australian Strongyloides genotypes is an important addition to our understanding of the genetic 25 diversity within the genus. Using PCR enrichment combined with Illumina sequencing 26 technology, we sequenced the Strongyloides SSU 18S rDNA hyper-variable I and hyper-27 variable IV regions using Strongyloides-specific primers, and a fragment of the mtDNA cox128 gene using primers that are broadly specific for Strongyloides sp. and hookworms. These loci 29 were amplified from DNA extracted from human and dog faeces, and one human sputum 30 sample. Using this approach, we confirm for the first time that potentially zoonotic S.