Matching riders and drivers in ridesharing considering conflicting objectives of diverse stakeholders is challenging. The objective of this research is to formulate and evaluate the performance of four ridesharing matching-objectives (i.e. system-wide minimisation of passengers' wait time, minimisation of VMT, minimisation of detour distance, maximisation of drivers' profit) considering interests of diverse mobility stakeholders (i.e. drivers, riders, matching agencies, government transportation agencies). A grid roadway network was used to compare the performance of the four matching-objectives in serving a ridesharing demand scenario. Performance comparison of matching-objectives revealed that a systemwide VMT minimisation matching-objective performed best with least sacrifices on the other three matching-objectives from their respective best performance level. Also, systemwide VMT minimisation was the best matching-objective, when drivers' and government transportation agencies' expectations were prioritised. System-wide drivers' profit maximisation matching-objective provided the highest monetary incentives for drivers and riders in terms of maximising profit and travel cost savings, respectively. System-wide minimisation of detour distance was found to be least flexible in providing shared rides. The findings of this research provide useful insights on ridesharing matching system modelling and performance evaluation based on different matching-objectives and can be used in developing and implementing ridesharing service considering multiple stakeholders' concerns.
INTRODUCTIONAccording to the 2015 Urban Mobility Scorecard, United States (US) travellers lost 7 billion hours and wasted 3 billion gallons of fuel due to traffic congestion [1]. Shared transportation modes are the emerging transportation demand management (TDM) strategies to better utilize limited transportation infrastructures and improve transportation system performance. Ridesharing, a form of shared mobility service, has been growing in popularity and has the potential to reduce emissions, fuel consumption, system-level vehicle miles travelled (VMT), and most importantly, traffic congestion [2,3]. Modern-day ridesharing services, enabled by information technology (i.e. mobile apps) face several operational challenges (e.g. efficient drivers' and riders' matching, maintaining acceptable service reliability and flexibility, integration with multimodal options, and multi-institutional collaboration) [4]. Several studies haveThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.