Direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary systems suggests that the merger rate of such events is large, and the sum of their GWs can be viewed as stochastic signals. Because of its random nature, cross-correlating the signals from multiple detectors is essential to disentangle the GWs from instrumental noise. However, the global magnetic fields in the Earthionosphere cavity produce the environmental disturbances at low-frequency bands, known as Schumann resonances, and coupled with GW detectors, they potentially contaminate the stochastic GW signal as a correlated noise. Previously, we have presented a simple analytical model to estimate its impact on the detection of stochastic GWs. Here, extending the analysis to further take account of the effects of anisotropic lightning source distributions, we present a comprehensive study of the impact of correlated magnetic noise at low-frequency bands, including non-tensor-type GWs, as well as circularly polarized tensor-type GWs. We find that as opposed to a naive expectation, the impact of correlated magnetic noise does not always increase with anisotropies in the lighting source distribution. Even in the presence of large anisotropies, there is a robust detector pair for which the amplitude of correlated magnetic noise becomes comparable to or well below detectable amplitude of stochastic GWs. The results indicate that the properties of the correlated magnetic noise depend crucially on both the geometrical and geographical setup of the detector's pair, and Virgo and KAGRA would be potentially the most insensitive detector pair against the correlated magnetic for both tensor-and non-tensor-type stochastic GWs.