Nowadays, due to ever-changing market conditions, increasingly global market place, and consumer empowerment, one of the main means of marketing accountability, assessment and communication of specific marketing and business objectives in companies are marketing metrics. The authors of this research attempt a critical evaluation of marketing measurement methods by elaborating a conceptual framework of marketing metrics, marketing efficiency, effectiveness, and performance from literature review, as well as implementation of marketing measurement tools in Latvian enterprises in order to gain an overview of current marketing management issue regarding practical marketing assessment. The research paper contains the results of research of the marketing measurement practice in Latvian companies, conducted under the authors' guidance in March, 2014. Keywords: marketing metrics, marketing efficiency, marketing effectiveness, marketing performance measurement, marketing measurement methods.Dėl nuolat kintančių pasaulinės rinkos sąlygų ir vartotojų išprusimo, viena pagrindinių šiandieninių priemonių, leidžiančių įvertinti įmonių pardavimo atskaitomybę, konkrečius prekybos ir verslo tikslus yra rinkodaros rodikliai. Šio tyrimo autoriai bando kritiškai įvertinti rinkodaros vertinimo metodus, remdamiesi literatūros apžvalga, siekia parengti rinkodaros rodiklių efektyvumo, veiksmingumo ir panaudojimo koncepcijos modelį, taip pat, tiriant rinkodaros vertinimo įrankius Latvijos įmonėse, siekia išanalizuoti praktinį rinkodaros vertinimą. Straipsnyje pateikiami praktinio rinkodaros vertinimo Latvijos įmonėse 2014 m. kovo mėnesį atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Raktiniai žodžiai: rinkodaros rodikliai, rinkodaros efektyvumas, rinkodaros veiksmingumas, rinkodaros veiklos vertinimas, rinkodaros vertinimo metodai.
Jeļena ŠAlKovSKA Elīna ogStA
IntroductionThough increasingly more companies recognize the importance of marketing in successful business planning and progress, yet in many cases strategic marketing planning and implementation in business environment is endangered by myopic management (Jeffrey, 2010) or lack of deliberative planning and carefully chosen and tailored set of marketing activities or tools. Myopic management originates the demands for tangible assets and financial evaluation of marketing activities and fast return Jeļena ŠAlKovSKA, Elīna ogStA 92 on investment (ROI) or, more specifically, return on marketing investment (ROMI). Common viewpoint considers marketing as costs, although these expenses should be treated as medium-term and long-term investments; this aspect shows one of the main marketing problems -economic justification. Even if top management increases marketing investment, marketers keep struggling with delivery of tangible marketing results back to the board room. Nowadays marketers face many challenges in an increasingly complex marketplace and addressing the wide range of stakeholders -prospects, customers, shareholders, partners, and vendors (Gao, 2010). Therefore the scientific problem of this resear...