“…Often such relationships are expressed in different understandings of how a location should be developed or used given different perceptions and understandings of place (Asgary, Rezvani, & Mehregan, 2011;Farstad & Rye, 2013;Fountain & Hall, 2002;Kaltenborn, Andersen, Nellemann, Bjerke, & Thrane, 2008;Rye & Gunnerud Berg, 2011;Selwood & May, 2001;Tuulentie & Meriruoho, 2008). Concerns over large temporary populations are also reflected in much of the writing on the environmental impacts of second homes (Morris & Dickinson, 1987;Sargent & Berke, 1979), together with potential effects on amenity values (Juvik, Juvik, & Hamilton, 1992;Kondo, Rivera, & Rullman, 2012;Vera Rebollo & Ivars Baidal, 2003). Indeed, there is a growing interest in the environmental dimensions of second homes (Andersen, Christensen, Jensen, Kofoed, & Morthorst, 2008;Goble, Lewis, Hill, & Phillips, 2014;Hao, Long, & Hoggard, 2014;Huhtala & Lankia, 2012;Jeong, García-Moruno, Hernández-Blanco, & Jaraíz-Cabanillas, 2014;Lanza & Randazzo, 2013;Long & Hoogendoorn, 2013), which also has significant planning impact as a result of debates over the split of the costs of infrastructure provision between permanent and non-permanent provision (Grahn-Voorneveld, 2012) and implementation of planning law (Persson, 2014).…”