Highly toxic organophosphorus compounds (OPs) were originally developed for warfare or as agricultural pesticides. Today, OPs represent a serious threat to military personnel and civilians. This study investigates the in vivo decontamination of male Wistar rats percutaneously exposed to paraoxon and two potent nerve agents -soman (GD) and VX. Four commercial detergents were tested as decontaminants -Neodekont Decontamination performed 2 min after exposure resulted in a higher survival rate in comparison with non-decontaminated controls. The decontamination effectiveness was expressed as protective ratio (PR, median lethal dose of agent in decontaminated animals divided by the median lethal dose of agent in untreated animals). The highest decontamination effectiveness was consistently achieved with Argos TM (PR=2.3 to 64.8), followed by Dermogel TM (PR=2.4 to 46.1). Neodekont TM and FloraFree TM provided the lowest decontamination effectiveness, equivalent to distilled water (PR=1.0 to 43.2).