The technique of simul taneous ob servation of elec trochemical and spectroscopic properties (spectroe lectrochemistry) at optically transparent elec trodes (OTE's) has been applied to th e generation and characterization of some less stable ox idation states of selected lanthanide and ac tinide elements (Ce, Pr, Sm , Eu, Tb, Yb , U, Np, Am, and Cm) in complexing and noncomplexing aqueous solutions. Optically transparent elec trodes used in th is stud y included re ticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) and me tal screen OTE's and a new OTE made from porous metal fo am (PMF). Cyc lic vol tammetry at mic roe lectrodes was used in conj unc tion with spec troelectrochemistry for the stud y of ox idation-reduction (redox) couples. In some cases add itional analytical te chniques we re applied for identification of elec trochemically generated oxidation s tate species ; these inc luded solution ab sorption, solid-state reflec tance, and laser Raman spec troscopies, X-ray powder diffraction and thermogravimetric-mass spectral analyses, radiochemical measurements, and spectrophotometric and potentiome tric redox titrimetry. The formal reduc tion potential (E0 ') values of the M(III)/M(II) redox couples in 1 M KCl at pH 6 were found by vo l tammetry to be-0.34 � 0.0 1 V for Eu,-1. 18 + 0.01 V for Yb , and-1.50 + 0.0 1 V for Sm. Spectropotentiostatic determina tion of E0' for the Eu (III)/Eu(II) redox couple yielded a value of-0.39 1 � 0.005 V. Spectropo tent iostatic measurement of the Ce(IV)/Ce(III) redox couple in concentrated carbonate solution gave E01 equal to 0.05 1 � 0.005 V, v X 38. Raman spectra of Np(VI) and Np(VII) in 2 M Na 2 C0 3 at pH 13 .