With the increasing production of metabolomic data there is an awareness of a need for a standardised description of this data to aid assessment, exchange, storage and curation of information from metabolomic studies. In this manuscript the first draft of a minimum requirement for the description of the biological context of a metabolomic study involving mammalian subjects is described. This recommendation has been produced by the Metabolomics Standards Initiative-Mammalian Context Working Sub-Group (MSI-MCWSG) as part of the wider standardisation initiative led by the Metabolomics society. The experiments considered include functional genomic studies, drug toxicology, nutrigenomics, clinical trials, and other human studies. Two reporting requirements are described for pre-clinical (e.g. functional genomics, toxicology) and clinical (e.g. clinical trials, nutrigenomics) studies. It is planned that this will lead to the development of a tool for the description of metabolomic experiments that enables storage, retrieval and manipulation of large amounts of data. This will benefit the assessment and dissemination of metabolomic data from mammalian studies.