Methylglyoxal (MG) is a reactive dicarbonyl compound formed mostly by the glycolytic pathway. Elevated blood glucose levels can cause MG accumulation in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease, where the high reactivity of MG leads to modification of proteins and other biomolecules, generating advanced glycation end products (AGEs) appointed as mediators in those neurodegenerative diseases. Herein, we investigated the blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity and astrocyte response in the hippocampus to acute insult induced by MG, administered ICV in rats. Seventy-two hours later, a loss of BBB integrity was observed, as assessed by the entry of Evans dye into brain tissue and albumin in the CSF, as well as a decrease of aquaporin-4 and connexin-43 in hippocampal tissue. MG did not induce changes in hippocampal contents of RAGE in this short interval, but decreased the expression of S100B, an astrocyte secreted protein that binds RAGE. The expressions of two important transcription factors of antioxidant response -NfkB and Nrf2, were not changed. However, hemeoxigenase-1 was upregulated in MG-treated group. This data corroborates with the idea that astrocytes, the main cells responsible for MG clearance, are targets of MG toxicity and that BBB dysfunction induced by this compound may contribute to behavioral and cognitive alterations observed in these animals.