“…Ten motifs most commonly found in this study were (GAA) 2 , (C) 6 , (CG) 3 , (A) 6 , (TGG) 2 T, (G) 6 , (TGC) 2 , (GTT) 2 G, and (C) 7 , as many as 52 , 43, 34, 23, 21, 21, 20, 20, 19, and 18 sequentially. If the motifs were grouped based on repeat perfection (Weber, 1990;Sharma, Grover, & Kahl, 2007), it was found 217 perfect, 121 imperfect, 25 perfect compound, and 71 imperfect compound motifs. In general, single motif found from durian genomic library has short repeat size (<10 nt) which reached 328 (89.6 %), whilst longer size varies from 11 to 89 nt were found only 38 (10.4 %) motifs.…”