The beam hosing instability is analyzed theoretically for a witness beam in the quasi-linear regime of plasma accelerators. In this regime, the hosing instability saturates, even for a monoenergetic bunch, at a level much less than standard scalings predict. Analytic expressions are derived for the saturation distance and amplitude and are in agreement with numerical results. Saturation is due to the natural head-to-tail variations in the focusing force, including the self-consistent transverse beam loading.PACS numbers: 41.75.Jv,52.38.Kd The beam hosing instability is a major concern for both conventional accelerators and plasma-based accelerators. In both cases, this instability can exponentially amplify the small misalignments between the beam and the accelerating structure, and potentially lead to a strong degradation of the beam emittance, or even to complete disruption of the beam. Thus the hosing instability (which is related to the well-known beam-breakup instability) has been actively studied in its various regimes [1]. This includes the long-bunch, weakly-coupled regime [2,3] applicable to low-current bunches in conventional accelerators, as well as the long-bunch [4-6] and short-bunch [7-12] strongly-coupled regimes, which are of interest for beams propagating in plasmas or ion channels.In particular, the short-bunch, strongly-coupled regime is relevant to the evolution of the witness beam in plasma-wakefield acceleration (both for the beam-driven and laser-driven scheme). In this case, the exponential growth of the hosing instability as a function of the acceleration distance has raised concerns regarding the feasibility of a plasma-based particle collider [13]. However, these predictions have been made in the context of the blow-out (or bubble) wakefield regime, i.e. when the driver (beam or laser) is strong enough to expell all the plasma electrons, forming a co-moving ion cavity [14][15][16][17][18]. Plasma accelerators may also operate in the quasi-linear regime, where the driver excites a plasma density perturbation that is a fraction of the background plasma density [19]. In this Letter, we show that the sustained exponential growth of the hosing instability, which indeed applies for monoenergetic beams in the blow-out regime, does not occur in the quasi-linear regime. Instead, in the quasi-linear regime, the instability can rapidly saturate, and leads only to a moderate amplification of the beam misalignment.This early saturation is due to the head-to-tail spread in betatron frequency that naturally occurs across the bunch in the quasi-linear regime. It is indeed well-known that a head-to-tail spread in betatron frequency can mitigate the hosing instability [1,20]. However, in the blowout regime, the focusing force of the wakefield is independent of the longitudinal coordinate, and thus any head-to-tail spread in betatron frequency necessarily requires an energy spread in the bunch. Owing to the typically large beam-loading for high efficiency, large energy spreads (e.g. a few percents [11]...