10The aluminium incorporation mechanism of perovskite was explored by means of quantum mechanics in combination with 11 equilibrium/off-equilibrium thermodynamics under the pressure-temperature conditions of the Earth's lower mantle (from 24 12 to 80 GPa). Earth's lower mantle was modelled as a geochemically non-primitive object because of an enrichment by 3 wt% of 13 recycled crustal material (MORB component). The compositional modelling takes into account both chondrite and pyrolite 14 reference models. 15 The capacity of perovskite to host Al was modelled through an Al 2 O 3 exchange process in an unconstrained 16 Mg-perovskite + Mg-Al-perovskite + free-Al 2 O 3 (corundum) system. Aluminium is globally incorporated principally via an 17 increase in the amount of Al bearing perovskite [Mg-Al-pv(80 GPa)/Mg-Al-pv(24 GPa) % 1.17], rather than by an increase 18 in the Al 2 O 3 content of the average chemical composition which changes little (0.11-0.13, mole fraction of Al 2 O 3 ) and tends 19 to decrease in Al. The Al 2 O 3 distribution in the lower mantle was described through the probability of the occurrence of given 20 compositions of Al bearing perovskite. The probability of finding Mg-Al-perovskite is comparable to Mg-perovskites. Per-21 ovskite with Al 2 O 3 mole fraction up to 0.15 has an occurrence probability of $28% at 24 GPa, increasing up to $43% at 22 80 GPa; on the contrary, perovskite compositions in the range 0.19-0.30 Al 2 O 3 mole fraction drop their occurrence proba-23 bility from 9.8 to 2.0%, over the same P-range. In light of this, the distribution of Al in the lower mantle shows that, among 24 the possible Al bearing perovskite phases, the (Mg 0.89 Al 0.11 )(Si 0.89 Al 0.11 )O 3 composition is the likeliest, providing from 5 to 25 8% of the bulk perovskite in the pressure range from 24 to 80 GPa. The occurrence of the most Al rich composition, i.e. 26 (Mg 0.71 Al 0.29 )(Si 0.71 Al 0.29 )O 3 , is a rare event (probability of occurrence < 1.7%). This study predicts that perovskite may glob-27 ally host Al 2 O 3 in terms of 4.3 and 4.8 wt% (with respect to the non-primitive lower mantle mass), thus accounting for $90% 28 and 100% of the bulk Al 2 O 3 estimated in the framework of pyrolite and chondrite reference models, respectively. A calcium-29 ferrite type phase (on the MgAl 2 O 4 -NaAlSiO 4 join) seems to be the only candidate that can compensate for the 10% gap of the 30 perovskite Al incorporation capacity, in the case of a pyrolite non-primitive lower mantle model.31