The effect on the field emission characteristics of the aspect ratio of an isolated emitter, together with the position of the anode electrode are reported. We show by computational simulation that the field enhancement factor  is only dependant on the emitter height h, radius r, when the anode to cathode separation D is greater than three times the height of the emitter away from the tip. In this regime the enhancement factor is independent of the anode location and approaches a value depicted by h and r alone and is described by the expression  0 = ͑1+ ͱ h / ␣r͒ m where ␣ = 2 and m = 1. As the anode is brought close to the tip of the emitter, the emitter tip and anode approximate a parallel plate configuration and the enhancement factor tends to unity. Extracted enhancement factor and threshold fields are described by a modified applied electric field taking D − h as the separation. 1 have shown to possess a fascinating structure, and their use as electron sources in vacuum microelectronics and nanoelectronics has been widely reported.2 The mechanism of field-induced electron emission from a nanotube is understood to be due to the applied electric field undergoing an increase at the tip of the CNT, often referred to as the field enhancement factor . For a single, isolated CNT, the value of enhancement factor is believed to be dependant on the length, radius, and type of structure, i.e., multiwalled ͑MWNT͒, singlewalled ͑SWNT͒, open or closed cap: This has been subject to several computational and experimental investigations.3-8 Geometric enhancement is not just applicable to CNT but also exists in a number of other tip-based structures including: SiC nanowires, 9 MoO 3 nanobelts, 10 tungsten nanowires, 11 spindt tips, 12 and copper sulphide nanowire arrays. 13 Much of the analysis performed on experimental data has relied upon analysis of the emission current I to field E ͑or voltage V͒ characteristics using the wellknown field emission mechanism of Fowler and Nordheim.14 The standard analysis often involves a plot of the log͑I / E 2 ͒ versus 1 / E ͑or equally log I / V 2 against 1 / V͒ and from the slope of the graph an approximate value for the field enhancement factor  can be extracted. The role of  is the enhancement of the applied macroscopic electric field such that under the action of the local electric field, tunneling of electrons from the Fermi level, into the vacuum, through the potential barrier becomes possible. The interpretation of , which is a dimensionless quantity if electric field rather than voltage is used in the analysis, is therefore of great importance.There have been a number of attempts to model the behaviour of  for a range of nanotube height and radius. Early work by Dyke and Dolan 15 showed that for a planar anode and a sphere-on-cone emitter the local field enhancement ͑neglecting V / d͒ close to the tip of the emitter was given bywhere  L is the local field enhancement due to the emitter shape, d is the emitter-anode gap, and n is related to the cone opening angle ͑for ...