In this paper, we consider the twisted Kähler-Ricci soliton, and show that the existence of twisted Kähler-Ricci soliton with semi-positive twisting form is closely related to the properness of some energy functionals. We also consider the conical Kähler-Ricci soliton, and obtain some existence results. In particular, under some assumptions on the divisor and α-invariant, we get the properness of the modified log K-energy and the existence of conical Kähler-Ricci soliton with suitable cone angle.1 XISHEN JIN, JIAWEI LIU, AND XI ZHANG is a smooth Kähler metric invariant under the action of Φ Im X , where Φ Im X is the one-parameter transformations subgroup of Aut(M ) generating by Im X, i.e.> 0 in the sense of current}. As in [5], we define the following function subspace of H(M, ω 0 ):We define K 0 X (ω 0 ) to be the space of smooth semipositive (1, 1)-forms cohomology to ω 0 , a subspace of Kähler metrics defined as follow:Definition 1.1. We define the following invariant with respect to X,Note that ω is a closed form and X is holomorphic, we have that ∂(i X ω) = 0. According to the Hodge decomposition theorem and the property of Fano manifold, we can find a smooth real-valued function θ X (ω) such that for ω ∈ K X (ω 0 ),and θ X (ω) satisfies the normalization M e θX (ω) ω n = M ω n 0 .We will take notation that θ X = θ X (ω 0 ) in the whole paper without special instruction. By direct computation, we get that θ X (ω ϕ ) = θ X + X(ϕ).Definition 1.2. For any (1, 1)-form η ∈ (1 − β)K 0 X (ω 0 ), we say a Kähler metric ω ∈ K X (ω 0 ) is a twisted Kähler-Ricci soliton with respect to η if it satisfiesRemark 1.2. It is easy to see that finding the twisted Kähler-Ricci soliton as (1.4) is equivalent to solving the following Monge-Ampère equation:where h ω is the Ricci potential defined by (1.6) Ric(ω) − βω − η = √ −1∂∂h ω normalized such that M e hω ω n = M ω n . And we just consider the case when β is nonnegative, since the equation (1.5) is solvable according to the celebrated work of Aubin [1] and Yau [31] on the other case.