Epigenetic modification pattern is considered as a characteristic feature in blood malignancies. Modifications in the DNA methylation modulators are recurrent in lymphoma and leukemia, so that, the distinct methylation pattern defines different types of leukemia. Generally, the role of epigenetics is less understood and most investigations are focused on genetic abnormalities and cytogenic studies to develop novel treatments for patients with hematologic disorders. Recently, understanding the underlying mechanism of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), especially epigenetic altera-tions as a driving force in the development of ALL opens a new era of investigation for developing promising strategy, be-yond available conventional therapy.
This review will focus on a better understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms in cancer development and pro-gression, with an emphasis on epigenetic alterations in ALL including, DNA methylation, histone modification, and mi-croRNA alterations. Other topics that will be discussed include the use of epigenetic alterations as a promising therapeutic target in order to develop novel well-suited approaches against ALL.
According to the literature review, leukemogenesis of ALL is extensively influenced by epigenetic modifica-tions, particularly DNA hyper-methylation, histone modification, and miRNA alteration.