EcoRI tagged-mixed oligonucleotide primer pairs corresponding to Abstract Earlier we reported the primary structure of serum the caldecrin-specific sequence (encoding amino acids 63 69) and calcium-decreasing factor (caldecrin) from rat pancreas, a the elastase-conserved sequence (encoding amino acids 125 131) of protein which is considered to be a member of the elastase rat caldecrin. The amplified product of about 200 bp was cloned family. In this report, we describe the isolation of the two into pUCl9, sequenced, and 32p-labeled with a Ready-To-Go DNA results suggest that human caldecrin possesses hypocalcemic activity that has no connection with its protease activity.
Production of recombinant virusProduction of recombinant virus (pBacHC) was performed according to the manual of the baculovirus expression system (Clontech) and