Blood from the platypus contained three haemoglobins which were separated by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex. The major component, Hb-I, was converted to globin and fractionated into the oc-and p-chains by chromatography on eM-cellulose in 8M urea-thiol buffers, and the complete amino acid sequence of the 141 residues of the oc-chain were determined. Peptides derived from the oc-chain by tryptic digestion were isolated by paper ionophoresis and chromatography. The amino acid sequences were determined by the dansyl-Edman procedure or by further digestion with other enzymes.The amino acid sequence showed 16 changes from the oc-globin of the other extant monotreme, the echidna. There were 39 changes from the human oc-globin sequence. By comparison with the 'contact sites' in horse haemoglobin there is one change in the oc-haem contacts, four changes in the OCI-PI contacts and no changes in the OC,-P2 contacts.The date of divergence of the monotremes from the other mammals was estimated to be 180± 37 million years, based on the number of amino acid differences between species and allowing for multiple mutations during the evolutionary period. The significance of this estimate in relation to the time of divergence of marsupials is discussed.