In-situ infrared reflection−absorption spectra are reported for mixed nitric-oxide−carbon-monoxide adlayers
along with the constituent chemisorbates separately as a function of coverage on ordered Ir(111) at 0.4−0.45
V vs standard hydrogen electrode in aqueous 0.1 M HClO4, with the objective of assessing the composition-dependent nature of the coadsorbate vibrational interactions. This substrate−coadsorbate combination provides
an informative model system since both chemisorbates appear to bind exclusively in atop (or near-atop)
surface sites on the basis of their simple N−O (νNO) and C−O (νCO) vibrational fingerprints, and composition-dependent mixed adlayers can readily be formed via partial replacement of saturated irreversible adsorbed
NO layers by exposure to dilute CO solutions. Increasing the CO coverage, θCO, both in the absence and
presence of coadsorbed NO, yields marked progressive blueshifts in the νCO band frequency (ca. 2020−2075
cm-1), attributable chiefly to enhanced dipole−dipole coupling. While adsorption of NO alone exhibited
virtually coverage (θNO)-independent νNO frequencies, ca. 1835 cm-1, indicative of chemisorbate island
formation, dilution within mixed CO/NO adlayers yields progressive νNO redshifts (down to ca. 1790 cm-1).
The composition-dependent νCO and νNO frequencies within the CO/NO adlayers are consistent with molecular
intermixing, as supported by comparison with numerical simulations extracted from conventional dipole-coupling theory, although the observed nonlinear νCO−θCO dependence suggests the formation of locally
enriched CO regions at intermediate compositions. Evidence supporting coadsorbate intermixing is obtained
by comparing the composition-dependent CO and NO band absorbances with the dipole-coupling predictions.
In particular, the presence of coadsorbed CO yields marked (up to 3-fold) decreases in the NO band absorbance,
especially toward lower νNO values, which arise from band-intensity transfer to neighboring higher-frequency
(CO) oscillators. Despite the large (ca. 250 cm-1) difference in νNO and νCO singleton frequencies, this striking
effect is in approximate agreement with dipole-coupling theory, again presuming molecular CO/NO intermixing.
The observed marked increases in the νCO bandwidth toward lower θCO values, along with pronounced
asymmetric band shapes, are in good agreement with theoretical predictions that include stochastic fluctuations
of the local adsorbate population density. Moreover, the larger intermediate-θCO νCO bandwidths observed in
the presence of coadsorbed NO are also quantitatively accounted for on this basis in terms of coadsorbate
intensity transfer. The more broad-based utility of such dipole-coupling analyses for elucidating local
interactions within mixed adlayers is considered in light of these findings.