“…[19][20][21]23 PNP hydrogels form when addition of nanoparticles to polymers results in crosslinking and corresponding enhancements in elasticity, which is commonly experimentally observed as an increase in the shear storage modulus (G′), an increase of relative elasticity (i.e., a decrease in tanIJδ), as defined as the ratio between the shear loss and storage moduli, G″/G′), longer bulk relaxation times (τ), and the emergence of a functional yield stress (σ y ). 24 The origins of these changes can be attributed to two main contributions: [24][25][26] (1) The formation of transient networks which are driven by energetically favourable polymer-nanoparticle interactions leading chains to bridge between particles, and (2) jamming of polymernanoparticle unit components (defined here as a particle and the locally bound polymer corona). Although this generalization is useful for broad discussions of PNP hydrogels, the relative contribution of each mechanism is highly dependent on formulation variables such as particle size, polymer molecular weight and hydrodynamic size, PNP interaction strength, concentration of each component, and total occupied volume fraction.…”