Background: Breast intraductal papilloma are a heterogeneous group. The aim of this study is to investigate the intraductal breast papilloma and its coexisting lesions retrospectively in real-world practice. Methods: We retrospectively identified 4450 intraductal breast papilloma and its coexisting lesions. Results: 18.36% coexisted with malignant lesions of the breast, 37.33% coexisted with atypia hyperplasia, 25.24% coexisted with benign lesions and only 19.10% coexisted without concomitant lesions. In addition, 36.80% of intraductal breast papilloma had nipple discharge, 51.46% had a palpable breast mass and 16.45% had both nipple discharge and a palpable breast mass. 28.18% experienced discomfort or were asymptomatic. Furthermore, 98.99% had ultrasound abnormalities, 53.06% had intraductal hypoechoic upon ultrasound. 31.89% had mammographic distortion, 14.45% had microcalcification upon mammography. Intraductal breast papilloma with malignancy had significant correlations with clinical manifestations. Conclusion: Coexisting malignancy was also related to ultrasound abnormality (BIRADS 4C and 5), mammographic distortion and microcalcification upon mammography but was not related to the intraductal hypoechoic upon ultrasound. Coexisting atypical hyperplasia correlated with nipple discharge but not palpable mass, mammographic distortion or intraductal hypoechoic upon ultrasound. The coexisting atypia hyperplasia was also related to abnormality upon ultrasound or microcalcification compared with the benign lesions. The intraductal papilloma coexists with malignancy or atypia hyperplasia accounted for more than 50%, the clinical information on papilloma and its coexisting lesions is nonspecific. We recommended surgical treatment for benign intraductal papillary lesions. Impact: The current study provides insight into the real-world pattern of intraductal papillomas and their coexisting lesions in a population of Chinese women.