Archaeology in San Pedro de Atacama (northern Chile) contributes significantly to our understanding of the Middle Horizon Tiwanaku polity, its iconography, regional interaction spheres, and other pivotal themes in Andean Studies. New AMS C14 dates, however, allow us to revisit San Pedro chronological phases and the associated ceramics that often define them. This paper extends previous important contributions to ceramic analysis in the area by presenting the ceramic material found in newly dated tombs and the temporal relationship of red, black, and grey polished vessels. The results suggest that these key San Pedro ceramic styles may be more contemporary in time than previously thought. Color variation may therefore be the result of different symbolic and contextual uses rather than temporal production developments. This leads to a reevaluation of the accepted phase structure as a linear sequence of key ceramic types and of the current understanding of cultural fluorescence during the late Formative and Middle Period (ca. AD 100-900).Key words: San Pedro de Atacama, chronology, ceramic styles, mortuary archaeology, seriation.
La arqueología de San Pedro de Atacama (norte de Chile) contribuye fuertemente a nuestra comprensión del Horizonte Medio, el Estado de Tiwanaku, su iconografía, las redes de intercambio regional, y otros temas andinos centrales. Sin embargo, nuevas fechas radiocarbónicas AMS nos permiten retomar el tema de la cronología arqueológica local, sus fases, y los tipos cerámicos