Pain in labor is an important factor in establishing the prognosis of birth and the quality of the conception product, painful uterine contractions being the main physical and psychological stress factor for the pregnant woman that can be decisive for the birth plan. In the management of labor, individualized analgesic therapy is needed to ensure anesthetic comfort as well as cooperation of the pregnant woman in the last part of labor. Analgesia is not supposed to interfere with the mechanisms that are essential during the expulsion, namely with the intensity and duration of the uterine contraction. The last two decades have consecrated natural birth with controlled pain, which allowed the keeping of a limited incidence of caesarean surgery, attitude recommended by the World Health Organization. However, in Romania the trend towards caesarean births has spiked, including due to little promotion of analgesic techniques for natural birth. One of the most used techniques of analgesia, administration of nitrous oxide - N2O and oxygen - O2 50-50% gaseous mixture represents a viable possibility of pain modulation. Our paper is a descriptive study, examining objective changes of pain perception in a sample of pregnant women with low obstetrical risk, aiming to analyze the quality of analgesia offered by the N2O and O2 50-50% gaseous mixture.