General conceptualization 48 RS, DP, LFN, MW, PCD conceptualized the idea of IIMN and its integration into GNPS and 49 feature-finding software tools 50 RS, DP, LFN, PCD wrote the manuscript 51 RS, BA, FH, HUH conceptualized the MZmine feature grouping workflow 52 UK, HH provided discussion and feedback on IIMN and the MZmine workflow 53 Development 54 RS developed the IIMN modules in MZmine and the MS 2 spectral library generation modules 55 MW, RS developed the "supplementary edges" format in the FBMN workflow to enable IIMN 56 MW programmed the IIMN workflow on GNPS 57 RS, MW developed the direct submission of MZmine data to run IIMN on GNPS 58 JR, MGA developed the XCMS/CAMERA IIMN integration in R 59 HT developed the MS-DIAL FBMN and IIMN integration 60 KD developed the MS 2 spectral merge function into the export modules for FBMN, IIMN, and 61 SIRIUS, which was coordinated by SB 62 TP, AK provided feedback and help for the development and integration of IIMN in MZmine 63