Background: Uterine fibroids are commonest benign uterine tumors. Only about 25% women with fibroids are symptomatic. Around 70-80% are discovered incidentally during routine pelvic examination. Using ultrasonography screening, some authors have estimated a cumulative incidence of 70% in all women by age 50. Symptoms attributable to fibroids are mainly abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), pelvic pressure, pain, and reproductive dysfunction. Heavy and/or prolonged menses is the typical bleeding pattern with myomas. Uterine fibroids are a leading cause of hysterectomy in perimenopausal women, thus, this study was done to find out its prevalence and demography in women presenting with AUB. The objectives of the present investigation were to find out the prevalence of uterine fibroid in women with AUB and to find out the various demographic features of womenMethods: The study was done for 2 years in the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology of a rural tertiary institute after taking clearance from institutional ethical committee. All the women presenting with AUB were included in the study. History and demographic features was enquired and entered in a predesigned proforma. All women were clinically examined after consent. Women with suspicion of fibroid were subjected to diagnostic modalities and the reports were followed and correlated.Results: Total 11,841 patients came to Gynaeological OPD during the study period. Out of these 3,878 (32.75%) presented with AUB, 2,126 were diagnosed as having fibroids after examination and investigations. Hence, the prevalence of fibroids amongst the women with AUB was 54.82% and 17.95% amongst all gynaecological patients. Maximum women were between 31-40 years, (64.78% rural and 62.73% urban). Majority were having parity between 1-2 (40.73% in urban, 38.96% in rural).Conclusions: Uterine fibroids are the commonest reason of AUB in reproductive age group with the prevalence of 54.82%. The trends in age incidence have remained the same over the years, commonly affecting women in third decade. There is no difference in incidence of fibroids amongst various socioeconomic classes.