Figure captionsfeatures of such systems (e.g., emergent behaviours) require a more holistic approach to measurement and analysis for understanding system properties. Complexity sciences encompass a h olist ic a pp roach t o research on collective adaptive systems, which integrates concepts and tools f ro m o th er t h eories a nd methods (e.g., ecological dynamics and social network analysis) to explain functioning of such systems in natural performance environments. Multilevel networks, such as hypernetwork s, comp rise n ovel a nd potent methodological tools for assessing team dynamics at more sophisticated levels of analysis, increasing their potential to impact on understanding of competitive performance. Here, we d iscu ss t h e potential of concepts and tools derived from studies of multilevel networks for revealing key properties of sports teams as complex, adaptive social systems. This type of analysis can provide valuable informatio n on team performance, which can be used by coaches, sport scien tist s a nd p erfo rmance analy st s f or enhancing practice and training. We examine the relevance of network sciences, as a su b-discip lin e of complexity sciences, for studying dynamics of relational structures in sports teams durin g p ra ct ice a nd competition. We explore benefits of implementing multilevel networks, in contrast to traditional network techniques, highlighting future research opportunities. We conclude by recommending methods for enhancing applicability of hypernetworks in analysing collective dynamics at multiple levels.