The ability to control a complex network towards a desired behavior relies on our understanding of the complex nature of these social and technological networks. The existence of numerous control schemes in a network promotes us to wonder: what is the underlying relationship of all possible input nodes? Here we introduce input graph, a simple geometry that reveals the complex relationship between all control schemes and input nodes. We prove that the node adjacent to an input node in the input graph will appear in another control scheme, and the connected nodes in input graph have the same type in control, which they are either all possible input nodes or not. Furthermore, we find that the giant components emerge in the input graphs of many real networks, which provides a clear topological explanation of bifurcation phenomenon emerging in dense networks and promotes us to design an efficient method to alter the node type in control. The findings provide an insight into control principles of complex networks and offer a general mechanism to design a suitable control scheme for different purposes.Controlling complex networked systems is a fundamental challenge in natural, social sciences and engineered systems. A networked system is controllable if its state can be controlled from any initial state to a desired accessible state 1,2 by inputting external signals from a few suitable selected nodes, which are called input nodes 3-6 . Existing works 3 provide an efficient method based on maximum matching to find a Minimum Input nodes Set (abbreviated MIS) used to fully control a network.However, these works have primarily focused on analyzing single MIS 4-8 , while the underlying control relationships of nodes and MISs remain elusive. Owing to the structural complexity of a network, its MISs are typically not unique and the number of MISs are exponential to the size of the network 9,10 . The enumeration of all possible MISs is a #P problem 11 which requires high computational costs. A few works analyzed the node types in control 12,13 and control capacities 10 of input nodes. Moreover, although any of its MISs are capable of fully controlling the network, they may composed of nodes with different topological properties, such as high-degree nodes 14 . The existence of physical constraints and limitations 15 may also affect the choice of a suitable MIS. For example, when controlling an inter-bank market 16,17 , one may need certain specific input nodes to ensure that a MIS can be manipulated by a given organization; when controlling a protein interaction network 18 , some proteins cannot be used as input nodes because of technique limitation.Given the existence of numerous MISs in a network, a node can be classified based on its participation in MISs 12 : 1. possible input node, which appear in at least one MIS; 2. redundant node, which never appear in any MIS. Previous works 12 found that the dense networks exhibit a surprising bifurcation phenomenon, in which the majority of nodes are either redundant nodes or possibl...