Due to the existence of membrane potential differences, the electromagnetic induction flows can be induced in the interconnected neurons of Hopfield neural network (HNN). To express the induction flows, this paper presents a unified memristive HNN model using hyperbolic-type memristors to link neurons. By employing theoretical analysis along with multiple numerical methods, we explore the electromagnetic induction effects on the memristive HNN with three neurons. Three cases are classified and discussed. When using one memristor to link two neurons bidirectionally, the coexisting bifurcation behaviors are disclosed with respect to the memristor coupling strength. When using two memristors to link three neurons, the antimonotonicity phenomena of periodic and chaotic bubbles are yielded, and initial-related multistable patterns are emerged. When using three memristors to link three neurons end to end, the extreme event owning riddled basin of attraction is demonstrated. In addition, we develop the printed circuit board (PCB)-based hardware experiments by synthesizing the memristive HNN and the experimental results well confirm the memristive electromagnetic induction effects.