ABSTRACT--A high-magnification moir6 interferometer, particularly suitable for near-tip field analysis in cracked materials, is described. It has a submillimeter field of view, a high-resolution image sensor (1.4 million pixels), X-Y-Z translation stage and an optical fiber light delivery system. These features enable the microscope head to observe the crack tip while the specimen is loaded in a standard tensile test machine. Automated fringe pattern analysis, using temporal phase shifting and spatial phase unwrapping, enables the x or y displacement component to be measured and the corresponding in-plane strain component computed. The displacement accuracy is better than 40 nm, and the effective strain gage dimension is ~ 25 txm. Furthermore, the interferometer has a built-in white light microscope that allows the observation of the specimen granular microstructure in exact registration with the displacement field. The interferometer has hence been employed to investigate the near-tip fields of a precracked stainless steel specimen under load. The influence of the grain boundaries on the measured displacement fields was relatively minor. The near-tip strain field shows a significant asymmetrical behavior despite pure mode I loading conditions. KEY WORDS--Moir6 interferometry, microstructure, crack tip, strain field Fracture criteria and fatigue crack propagation mechanisms are traditionally analyzed using empirical models such as the Paris law: 1dN with a indicating the crack length, N the number of cycles, AK the stress intensity range and C and m empirical parameters that depend on the material. This approach is well tested and satisfied when the material is considered as a continuous medium. However, it is incapable of yielding a better understanding of the physical processes that take place in a small volume of material ahead October4, 1999. of the crack tip (covering a few grains). While it is recognized that this region at the crack tip plays a crucial role, the mechanism of crack propagation in fatigue and fracture is still not well understood. It seems reasonable to expect that the interactions between deformation fields and microscopic features at and near the crack tip will exert a strong influence on empirical parameters such as C and m. For further advances in the understanding of these relationships, it then becomes necessary to describe accurately the deformation over a few grains ahead of the crack tip so as to take into account the inhomogeneous and anisotropic nature of real materials.Difficulties in theoretical descriptions of these fields arise because of the number of parameters involved. A recent mathematical model has been proposed in terms of dislocation description: the influence of neighboring grain boundaries during fatigue crack growth in a polycrystal is described by the introduction of a shear modulus dependence on the grain's orientation, and its influence over a discrete dislocation distribution in the slip bands. 2 For elastic materials in which strain gradient effects predomi...