Nitrate-N (NO 3 − -N) leaching losses from dairy cow urine and nonurine areas of simulated winter grazing of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were quantified using large intact soil monolith lysimeters (50 cm diameter × 70 cm depth), containing Balmoral/ Lismore stony silt loam soil. Fresh cow urine was applied to half of the lysimeters in mid-to late-June at 300 kg N ha −1 in 2012 and 250 kg N ha −1 in 2013, following simulated fodder beet grazing. The remaining half did not receive urine to represent non-urine areas of a grazed paddock. Most of the N leached was from the urine-treated lysimeters and 92%-98% was in the form of NO 3 − -N. Total NO 3 − -N leached from the urine-treated lysimeters represented an equivalent of 21% (64 kg NO 3 − -N ha −1 ) and 32% (84 kg NO 3 − -N ha −1 ) of the total urine-N applied in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Nitrate-N leaching losses from lysimeters receiving no urine were between 10 and 11 kg NO 3 − -N ha −1 .