We introduce the Mathematica package MT which can be used to compute, both analytically and numerically, convolutions involving harmonic polylogarithms, polynomials or generalized functions. As applications contributions to next-to-next-to-next-to leading order Higgs boson production and the Drell-Yan process are discussed. * Corresponding author MT can be used to compute such convolutions.
Method of solution:MT is implemented in Mathematica and we provide several functions in order to perform transformations to Mellin space, manipulations of the expressions, and inverse Mellin transformations.
Restrictions on the complexity of the problem:In case the weight of the input quantities is too high the tables for the (inverse) Mellin transforms have to be extended. In the current implementation the tables contain expressions up to weight eight, code for the generation of tables of even higher weight is provided, too.MT can only handle convolutions of expressions involving harmonic polylogarithms, plus distributions and polynomials in the partonic variable x.
Typical running time:In general the run time for the individual operations is at most of the order of a few minutes (depending on the speed and memory of the computer).