The physical±chemical characteristics of the groundwater in the Baza±Caniles detrital aquifer system indicate that a wide diversity of hydrochemical conditions exists in this semiarid region, de®ning geochemical zones with distinct groundwater types. The least mineralized water is found closest to the main recharge zones, and the salinity of the water increases signi®cantly with depth towards the center of the basin. Geochemical reaction models have been constructed using water chemistry data along¯ow paths that characterize the di erent sectors of the aquifer system, namely: Quaternary aquifer, uncon®ned sector and shallow and deep con®ned sectors of the Mio±Pliocene aquifer. Geochemical mass±balance calculations indicate that the dominant groundwater reaction throughout the detrital system is dedolomitisation (dolomite dissolution and calcite precipitation driven by gypsum dissolution); this process is highly developed in the central part of the basin due to the abundance of evaporites. Apart from this process, there are others which in¯uence the geochemical zoning of the system. In the Quaternary aquifer, which behaves as a system open to gases and which receives inputs of CO 2 gas derived from the intensive farming in the area, the interaction of the CO 2 with the carbonate matrix of the aquifer produces an increase in the alkalinity of the water. In the shallow con®ned sector of the Mio±Pliocene aquifer, the process of dedolomitisation evolves in a system closed to CO 2 gas. Ca 2+ /Na + cation exchange and halite dissolution processes are locally important, which gives rise to a relatively saline water. Finally, in the deep con®ned sector, a strongly reducing environment exists, in which the presence of H 2 S and NH + 4 in the highly mineralized groundwater can be detected. In this geochemical zone, the groundwater system is considered to be closed to CO 2 gas proceeding from external sources, but open to CO 2 from oxidation of organic matter. The geochemical modeling indicates that the chemical characteristics of this saline water are mainly due to SO 4 dissolution, dedolomitisation and SO 4 reduction, coupled with microbial degradation of lignite. #