The problem of startup heating for a cylindrical evaporator of a loop heat pipe when the evaporator is completely filled initially with liquid has been examined. A two-dimensional mathematical heat transfer model has been formulated for this problem, for which the system of differential heat conduction equations was solved numerically. Modeling of the heat transfer processes in a cylindrical evaporator was conducted for different thermal regimes. The effects of the evaporator geometrical parameters and the thermophysical properties of materials during the formation of the temperature field were investigated. The results are presented in the analysis of the main factors that influence the dynamics of the evaporator startup. Nomenclature a = thermal diffusivity, m 2 s 1 c = specific heat, J kg 1 K 1 E 1 = copper-copper (Cu-Cu) evaporator E 2 = stainless-steel-nickel (SS-Ni) evaporator g = gravitational acceleration, m s 2 h = thickness of liquid layer, m Q = heat load, W q = heat flux, W m 2 L q = length of heat-supply zone, m r = coordinate in radial direction d = diameter, m S q = area of applied heat load, m 2 T = temperature, C = time, s z = coordinate in the z direction = coefficient of volumetric expansion, K 1 = thickness, m " = porosity = thermal conductivity, W m 1 K 1 = dynamic viscosity, Pa s = kinematic viscosity, m 2 s 1 = density, kg m 3 Subscripts av = average cc = central core eb = evaporator body or wall ev = evaporator l = liquid max = maximum min = minimum p = parasitic w = wick 0 = initial