We use the three dimensional uniformly frustrated XY model, as a model for a high temperature superconductor in an applied magnetic field, to explicitly measure the longitudinal correlation length ξz in the vortex line liquid phase. We determine the scaling of ξz with magnetic field and system anisotropy close to the vortex lattice melting transition. We apply our results to determine the extent of longitudinal correlations in YBCO just above melting.
64. 60-i, 74.60-w, 74.76-w It is now generally accepted that thermal fluctuations in the high T c superconductors lead, for a clean sample in the mixed state, to a first order melting of the vortex line lattice into a vortex line liquid. Nordborg and Blatter [7] within the "two dimensional (2D) boson" approximation, as well as general theoretical considerations [8], predict a correlation length ξ z ∼ γ −1 a v , where γ ≡ λ z /λ ⊥ is the anisotropy ratio and a v = φ 0 /B is the average spacing between vortex lines. However analyses of experiments on untwinned single crystal YBCO by Righi et al. [9] and by Moore [10] have suggested that longitudinal correlations may be of the surprisingly larger micron scale.To investigate this issue, we carry out extensive new simulations of the frustrated 3D XY model for different values of applied flux density f and anisotropy η, explicitly measuring the longitudinal correlation length ξ z as determined by several different criteria. We find a good scaling of ξ z with f and η in the continuum limit, allowing us to estimate ξ z (T c ) in real YBCO single crystal samples. We find that longitudinal correlations at melting are enhanced with respect to the 2D boson approximation, but not dramatically so. We also address several additional questions. We show, contrary to recent claims [11], that there is only a single transition even in the isotropic model. In the very anisotropic limit ξ z (T c ) < d, where a cross over to 2D behavior has been predicted [8,12], we find no qualitative differences from the less anisotropic cases. We find that thermally excited vortex loops, which become important at low magnetic fields, can be described by an effective renormalization of the interaction between field induced vortex lines, and we find no evidence for a recently proposed transition within the vortex line liquid phase [13,14].Our model is the uniformly frustrated 3D XY model [15], given by the Hamiltonianwhere the sum is over the sites i of a cubic grid of points with unit basis vectorsμ =x,ŷ,ẑ. θ i is the phase angle of the superconducting wavefunction on site i, andA · dl is the integral of the magnetic vector potential on the specified bond. The unit of the grid spacing alongẑ is taken as d, the spacing between the weakly coupled CuO planes; the unit of the grid spacing in the xy plane is taken as ξ ⊥0 , the bare vortex core size in the plane. The Hamiltonian (1) results from making the London approximation to the discretized GinzburgLandau energy, and assuming λ/a v → ∞ so that the internal magnetic field B can be taken as frozen...