We present a detailed study on the influence of strong electron-phonon coupling to the photoemission spectra of lead. Representing the strong-coupling regime of superconductivity, the spectra of lead show characteristic features that demonstrate the correspondence of physical properties in the normal and the superconducting state, as predicted by the Eliashberg theory. These features appear on an energy scale of a few meV and are accessible for photoemission only by using modern spectrometers with high resolution in energy and angle. The theoretical approach for the explanation of strongcoupling superconductors is based on the Eliashberg equations, with the coupling function α 2 F as the central property [3]. This so-called Eliashberg function can be calculated e.g. by first principle methods from the electronic wave functions, the phonon density of states, and the electron-phonon coupling between two Bloch states. However, α 2 F is a much more universal quantity and determines also the influence of the electron-phonon interaction on the normal state properties, e.g. the electrical resistivity, the electronic heat capacity, and -as a spectroscopic feature -the electron-phonon contribution Γ el−ph to the intrinsic quasi-particle linewidth, which can be determined e.g. by photoemission spectroscopy. In the Green's function method, the influence of electronphonon interaction is expressed as a contribution to the complex self energy of the conduction electrons Σ el−ph , which can be calculated from the Eliashberg function α 2 F [4]. The real part describes the induced band renormalization, where the imaginary part gives the quasiparticle line width, equivalent to the reciprocal hole lifetime τ . In particular, at very small energies (i.e. close to the Fermi level), the real part of Σ el−ph is linear in energy, and λ = −δℜeΣ el−ph (ω)/δω at ω = 0 is usually called the mass enhancement factor. In addition, λ defines the slope of the temperature dependence of the quasi-particle linewidth Γ el−ph = 2ℑmΣ el−ph ≈ 2πλk B T for temperatures above the Debye temperature Θ D .Photoemission spectroscopy (PES) is a versatile experimental method to study the electronic structure of solids and has been applied to many high-T c materials [5,6] and conventional superconductors [7,8,9,10,11]. Electronphonon coupling in metallic systems has been studied in detail by PES on low-dimensional electronic states at surfaces, e.g. 13,14,15,16,17,18] or quantum-well states [19,20]. PES investigations on electron-phonon effects in three-dimensional solids, however, are rare. One particularly interesting threedimensional model system is Pb, which among the conventional superconductors has quite un-conventional physical properties.In the case of Pb the two most relevant energy scales on which the electron-phonon features appear in the spectra, the Debye energy ω D = k B Θ D and the gap width ∆ 0 at T = 0, define prerequisites that can be met by PES experiments today ( ω D = 7.6 meV, ∆ 0 = 1.4 meV). The instrumental resolution must be at least of...