“…However, the zig-zag trend is rather smoothed for the alkanes since their temperatures of fusion increase less sharply on passing from even to odd terms than from odd to even terms. Higher T fus for even terms were already reported for a number of linear alkyl mono-and bifunctional compounds such as n-alkylamines [11], n-alkane-1-ols [11,51], n-alkanoic acids [9,51], alkane-a,x-dithiols [52], alkane-a,x-dicarboxylic acids [8], alkane-a,x-diamines [16], alkane-a,x-diamides [17] and alkane-a,x-diols [53]. However, an opposite alternation has been described for alkane-1-thiols [6,11] and dialkyl-oxybenzoquinones [54].…”