“…Previous reports have focussed on the readily available ester, (C 4 Ph 4 )Co(C 5 H 4 -CO 2 Me) [22], which, when treated with Grignard or organo-lithium reagents, yields the symmetrical alcohols (C 4 Ph 4 )Co(C 5 H 4 -CR 2 OH), where R ¼ H, Me or Ph [23]. Careful oxidation of the primary alcohol furnishes the aldehyde (C 4 Ph 4 )Co (C 5 H 4 -CH@O) [24]. The carbinol (C 4 Ph 4 )Co(C 5 H 4 -CPh 2 OH) had been previously prepared by the reaction of (C 4 Ph 4 )Co(C 5 H 4 Li) with benzophenone [4].…”