Let G be a reductive algebraic group over an algebraic closure of a prime field F p , defined over F q , with Frobenius endomorphism F . Let G F be the subgroup of rational points. Let be a prime number. Assume that is different from p. If (G * , F ) is in duality with (G, F ), then, by a theorem of M. Broué and J. Michel [M. Broué, J. Michel, Blocs et séries de Lusztig dans un groupe réductif fini, J. Reine Angew. Math. 395 (1989) 56-67], for any -bloc B of G F there exists a unique (G * ) F -conjugacy class (s) of -semisimple elements such that some irreducible representation of B is in the rational Lusztig's series associated to (s). If s = 1, B is said to be unipotent. If G is not connected, with identity component G • , define the "unipotent -blocs of G F " as the -blocks that cover some unipotent -bloc of (G • ) F . Assuming is good for G, we construct from (G, F ) and (s) some reductive algebraic group (G(s), F ) defined over F q and a one-to-one map from the set of -blocks of G F with associated class (s) onto the set of "unipotent" -blocks of G(s) F such that, if b corresponds to B, then -there is a significant height preserving one-to-one map from the set of irreducible representations Irr(B) onto the set Irr(b), -the respective defect groups of b and B are isomorphic, the associated Brauer categories are equivalent.One do not assume that the center of G is connected, the class of s may be isolated in G * .