Dedicated to the memory of Adalberto Orsatti (Il Maestro) and of Dimitri TyukavkinKeywords: Von Neumann regular ring Artinian poset Well founded poset Semiartinian ring V -ring Simple module If R is a semiartinian von Neumann regular ring, then the set Prim R of primitive ideals of R, ordered by inclusion, is an artinian poset in which all maximal chains have a greatest element. Moreover, if Prim R has no infinite antichains, then the lattice L 2 (R) of all ideals of R is anti-isomorphic to the lattice of all upper subsets of Prim R . Since the assignment U → r R (U ) defines a bijection from any set Simp R of representatives of simple right Rmodules to Prim R , a natural partial order is induced in Simp R , under which the maximal elements are precisely those simple right R-modules which are finite dimensional over the respective endomorphism division rings; these are always R-injective. Given any artinian poset I with at least two elements and having a finite cofinal subset, a lower subset I ⊂ I and a field D, we present a construction which produces a semiartinian and unitregular D-algebra D I having the following features: (a) Simp D I is order isomorphic to I; (b) the assignment H → Simp D I /H realizes an anti-isomorphism from the lattice L 2 (D I ) to the lattice of all upper subsets of Simp D I ; (c) a non-maximal element of Simp D I is injective if and only if it corresponds to an element of I , thus D I is a right V -ring if and only if I = I; (d) D I is a right and left V -ring if and only if I is an antichain; (e) if I has finite dual Krull length, then D I is (right and left) hereditary; (f) if I is at most countable and I = ∅, then D I is a countably dimensional D-algebra. In case, J = I , we simply write D I instead of D I,I . With the next result, we give necessary and sufficient conditions under which H J = D I, J . As we shall see, in this context a relevant role is played by the set J defined by J := M(I) ∩ { J } = M { J } (recall that M(I) denotes the set of all maximal elements of I ), namely the set of those maximal elements of I which follow some element of J . Of course it may happen that J ⊂ { J }, in particular that J = ∅. If every element of I is bounded by a maximal element or, equivalently, all maximal chains of I have a greatest element, then it is clear that X J ⊂ X J ; this inclusion is an equality if and only if, given m ∈ J , every maximal chain of I which is bounded by above by m contains an element of J . Obviously this is the case if J ⊂ J , in particular when J is an upper subset of I ; in this latter case it is clear that J = M( J ). We say that a subset J of I is finitely sheltered in I if the following three conditions hold: J is finite, J ⊂ J and J ⊂ J .