Relay cooperation and integrated microwave and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) dual-band communication are likely to play key roles in 5G. In this paper, we study a two-user uplink scenario in such dual-bands, modeled as a multiple-access relay channel (MARC), where two sources communicate to a destination assisted by a relay.However, unlike the microwave band, transmitters in the mm-wave band must employ highly directional antenna arrays to combat the ill effects of severe path-loss and small wavelength. The resulting mm-wave links are pointto-point and highly directional, and are thus used to complement the microwave band by transmitting to a specific receiver. For such MARCs, the capacity is partially characterized for sources that are near the relay in a joint sense over both bands. We then study the impact of the mm-wave spectrum on the performance of such MARCs by characterizing the transmit power allocation scheme for phase faded mm-wave links that maximizes the sum-rate under a total power budget. The resulting scheme adapts the link transmission powers to channel conditions by transmitting in different modes, and all such modes and corresponding conditions are characterized. Finally, we study the properties of the optimal link powers and derive practical insights.
Index TermsFading multiple-access relay channel, Dual-band communication, Millimeter-wave band.Transmission in the mm-wave band differs from that in the conventional microwave band in that omnidirectional mm-wave transmission suffers from much higher power loss and absorption. Thus, a transmitter must use beamforming via highly directional antenna arrays to reach a receiver [6]. Due to the small wavelength at mm-wave frequencies and large path loss, beamforming typically creates links that have a strong line-of-sight (LoS) component and only a few, if any, weak multi-path components. Such mm-wave links are inherently point-to-point, and are well modeled as AWGN links [7]- [9]. Although mmwave links support high data rates due to their large bandwidths, they provide limited coverage, whereas microwave links typically provide reliable coverage and support only moderate data rates. Thus, in a dualband setting, these two bands mutually complement each other: conventional traffic and control information can be reliably communicated in the microwave band, and high data-rate traffic can be communicated via the mm-wave links [3]-[5], [10]-[15].In future 5G networks, access via dual microwave and mm-wave bands will likely be a key technology, and hence they have been subject to much investigation recently. For example, studies as in [10]-[12],[14] focus on improving network layer metrics such as the number of served users, throughput, and link reliability, etc., while studies as in [16]-[18] focus on improving physical layer metrics such as the achievable rates and outage probability. Moreover, the emergence of dual-band modems from Intel [19] and Qualcomm [20], and practical demonstrations such as that in the 3 GHz-30 GHz dual-bands in [4] clearly illustrate...