Using representations of Clifford algebras we construct indecomposable singular Riemannian foliations on round spheres, most of which are nonhomogeneous. This generalises the construction of non-homogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces due to by Ferus, Karcher and Münzner.A singular Riemannian foliation on a Riemannian manifold M is, roughly speaking, a partition of M into connected complete submanifold, not necessarily of the same dimension, that locally stay at a constant distance from each other. Singular Riemannian foliations on round spheres provide local models of general singular Riemannian foliations around a point.An example of singular Riemannian foliation on round spheres is given by the decomposition into the orbits of an isometric group action, and such a foliation is called homogeneous.A different family of singular Riemannian foliations on spheres is induced by isoparametric hypersurfaces. A hypersurfaces of S n is called isoparametric if it has constant principal curvatures. Isoparametric hypersurfaces were first studied by Cartan who classified those with g ≤ 3 distinct principal curvatures, and a lot of progress has been made (cf. for example the surveys [Cec08,Tho00]), even though the complete classification is still an important open problem. Every isoparametric hypersurface partitions the sphere into parallel hypersurfaces, which are isoparametric as well, and this partition is a special example of a singular Riemannian foliation. For a long time all the known codimension 1 singular Riemannian foliations from isoparametric hypersurfaces appeared to be orbits of some isometric group action on S n , so much so that Cartan asked [Car39] whether every isoparametric hypersurface arised in this way. The question was answered in the negative by Ozeki and Takeuchi [OT75,OT76], who found infinite families of non homogeneous isoparametric foliations with 4 distinct principal curvatures defined in terms of representations Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C12, 57R30