Frames, or lattices consisting of mass points connected by rigid bonds or central-force springs, are important model constructs that have applications in such diverse fields as structural engineering, architecture, and materials science. The difference between the number of bonds and the number of degrees of freedom of these lattices determines the number of their zero-frequency "floppy modes". When these are balanced, the system is on the verge of mechanical instability and is termed isostatic. It has recently been shown that certain extended isostatic lattices exhibit floppy modes localized at their boundary. These boundary modes are insensitive to local perturbations, and appear to have a topological origin, reminiscent of the protected electronic boundary modes that occur in the quantum Hall effect and in topological insulators. In this paper we establish the connection between the topological mechanical modes and the topological band theory of electronic systems, and we predict the existence of new topological bulk mechanical phases with distinct boundary modes. We introduce model systems in one and two dimensions that exemplify this phenomenon.Isostatic lattices provide a useful reference point for understanding the properties of a wide range of systems on the verge of mechanical instability, including network glasses 1,2 , randomly diluted lattices near the rigidity percolation threshold 3,4 , randomly packed particles near their jamming threshold 5-10 , and biopolymer networks [11][12][13][14] . There are many periodic lattices, including the square and kagome lattices in d = 2 dimensions and the cubic and pyrochlore lattices in d = 3, that are locally isostatic with coordination number z = 2d for every site under periodic boundary conditions. These lattices, which are the subject of this paper, have a surprisingly rich range of elastic responses and phonon structures [15][16][17][18][19] that exhibit different behaviors as bending forces or additional bonds are added.The analysis of such systems dates to an 1864 paper by James Clerk Maxwell 20 that argued that a lattice with N s mass points and N b bonds has N 0 = dN s − N b zero modes. Maxwell's count is incomplete, though, because N 0 can exceed dN s − N b if there are N ss states of self-stress, where springs can be under tension or compression with no net forces on the masses. This occurs, for example, when masses are connected by straight lines of bonds under periodic boundary conditions. A more general Maxwell relation 21 ,is valid for infinitesimal distortions. In a locally isostatic system with periodic boundary conditions, N 0 = N ss . The square and kagome lattices have one state of self-stress per straight line of bonds and associated zero modes along lines in momentum space. Cutting a section of N sites from these lattices removes states of selfstress and O( √ N ) bonds and necessarily leads to O( √ N ) zero modes, which are essentially identical to the bulk zero modes. Recently Sun et al. 22 studied a twisted kagome lattice in which states ...