The general theory of the vapor pressure osmometry has been established, as an extension of the KAMIDE and SANADA theory, in the case when ambient vapor phase is unsaturated. The temperature difference (T, Tv)8 a t the steady state between a solution drop and a solvent drop can be expressed in a form of virial expansion of concentration c in the form :[ Mc l with Ks = Ki/Ki R T~, V~ Ke T aH T n and Tv are the temperatures of the solution and solvent drops, respectively, M1 the molecular weight of the solute, A Z ,~ the second virial coefficient, R the gas constant, T, the temperature of ambient vapor phase, 4 H the molar heat of condensation of the solvent, k: and kn the coefficients of heat transfer at the interfaces between vapor and the solution drop and between the solution and the thermistor, respectively, An the surface area of the solution drop, An the surface area of the thermistor in contact dith the solution, Po(Ts)saturated vapor &essure of the solvent at the temperature Ts, k ' the saturation coefficient defined by the ratio of the real unsaturated pressure of ambient vapor phase to the saturated pressure a t the same temperature, and VO the molar volume of the solvent.