Abstract. We show that the hitting times for points of real α−stable Lévy processes (1 < α ≤ 2) are unimodal random variables. The argument relies on strong unimodality and several recent multiplicative identities in law. In the symmetric case we use a factorization of Yano et al. [15], whereas in the completely asymmetric case we apply an identity of the second author [11]. The method extends to the general case thanks to a fractional moment evaluation due to Kuznetsov et al. [6].
Introduction and statement of the resultA real random variable X is said to be unimodal if there exists a ∈ R such that its distribution function P[X ≤ x] is convex on (−∞, a) and concave on (a, +∞). When X is absolutely continuous, this means that its density is non-decreasing on (−∞, a] and nonincreasing on [a, +∞). The number a is called a mode of X and might not be unique. A random variable with a single mode is called strictly unimodal. The problem of unimodality has been intensively studied for infinitely divisible random variables and the reader can consult to Chapter 10 in [10] for details and references. This problem has also been settled in the framework of hitting times of processes and Rösler -see Theorem 1.2 in [9] -showed that hitting times for points of real-valued diffusions are always unimodal. However, much less is known when the underlying process has jumps, for example when it is a Lévy process.In this paper we consider a real strictly α−stable process (1 < α ≤ 2), which is a Lévy process {X t , t ≥ 0} starting from zero and having characteristic exponentwhere ρ ∈ [1 − 1/α, 1/α] is the positivity parameter of {X t , t ≥ 0} that is ρ = P[X 1 ≥ 0]. We refer to [16] and to Chapter 3 in [10] for an account on stable laws and processes. In particular, comparing the parametrisations (B) and (C) in the introduction of [16] shows that the characteristic exponent of {X t , t ≥ 0} takes the more familiar formwith ρ = 1/2 + (1/πα) tan −1 (θ tan(πα/2)) and c = cos(πα(ρ − 1/2)). The constant c is a scaling parameter which could take any arbitrary positive value without changing our purposes below. We are interested in the hitting times for points of {X t , t ≥ 0}: τ x = inf{t > 0, X t = x}, x ∈ R.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 60E05, 60G18, 60G51, 60G52.