In a first part, we are concerned with the relationships between polynomials in the two generators of the algebra of Heisenberg-Weyl, its Bargmann-Fock representation with differential operators and the associated one-parameter group. Upon this basis, the paper is then devoted to the groups of Riordan matrices associated to the related transformations of matrices (i.e. substitutions with prefunctions). Thereby, various properties are studied arising in Riordan arrays, in the Riordan group and, more specifically, in the "striped" Riordan subgroups; further, a striped quasigroup and a semigroup are also examined. A few applications to combinatorial structures are also briefly addressed in the Appendix. 4. Formula (4) can be obtained either from an algebraic approach (similar to Wick's Theorem or Rook numbers) [20], or (without loss of generality) by simply setting k = s = 0 in (4) and using Leibniz's rule on the appropriate operators(The beginning of this section consists of fundamental notions available in several articles [6,22,7,8,20], books [29, Chap. 2], [51, Chap. 6], among (many) others; see also §3.3 and Appendix A.) 2.1 The Lie bracket in HW 1 \HW 0 HW 1 denotes the subalgebra of elements in HW C for the usual product, which consist in polynomial operators of degree at most one in the variable a, i.e. with only one or zero annihilation. By Def. 1, such polynomials can be regarded as words in general form ω = (a + ) k a δ (a + ) ℓ , where k, ℓ are non-negative integers and the degree δ of operator a the electronic journal of combinatorics 22 (2015), #P00