“…In the greater rhea, the total limb muscle mass scaled with an exponent of 1.18 when tendons were included in the measurements; for individual muscles, M. tibialis cranialis and M. puboischiofemoralis showed isometric growth, and the remaining 17 muscles scaled with positive allometry (Picasso, 2015). Using a series of 18 samples aged from hatchling to 2 years, Channon et al (2019) considered 21 muscles in the ostrich and found that either total muscle mass, or individual muscle mass, scaled with strong positive allometry. However, in the emu, another precocial ratite bird, a comprehensive study showed that the muscle masses presented three scaling patterns: 26 muscles out of 34 were positively allometric, FPPD2 was negatively allometric, and 7 muscles (AM, FCL, FME, ITM, ITCR, ISF, IFI) were isometric (Lamas et al, 2014).…”