“…Likewise it shows the correspondence between each hyperbolic component of the period-doubling cascade G i (i = 0,1,2,...) and the chaotic band B i (i = 0,1,2,...). Calculations, that in [15] were done for symbolic sequences, in [10] have been done for external arguments. As can be seen in Figure 2.1, the Myrberg-Feigenbaum point can be considered as a "diabolic mirror" that makes to correspond the main cardioid G 0 , which is the last hyperbolic component on the right and has period 1, with B 0 , which is the last chaotic band on the left and has period 1; the first disc of the period doubling cascade G 1 , which is the penultimate hyperbolic component on the right and has period 2, with B 1 , which is the penultimate chaotic band on the left and has period 2; and so on.…”