“…Therefore, the water loss is related with loss cell membrane integrity, saturation of fatty acids, and enzymatic activity that increases physiological disorders. In previous study, bell pepper presented high susceptibility to water loss showing high ion leakage and membrane damage that was related with a strong effect on membrane integrity in the fruit during storage (Maalekuu water-treated cucumber (Nasef, 2018), orange (Shi et al, 2020), sweet pepper (Endo et al, 2019), and guava (Killadi et al, 2021) where the HWT for short time could improve the barrier functions in the membrane and cell wall-reducing water loss and susceptibility to CI. On the other hand, in bell pepper (González-Aguilar et al, 1998), mango (Osuna-Gacía et al, 2007, and rambutan (Hafiz et al, 2017), the use of HWT increased the water loss due to higher respiration and transpiration caused by increased stomal density, cell breakage, and destruction of mesocarp.…”