This theoretical paper is concerned with general analysis of the strain energy dissipation in columns of circular cross-section. The columns are under longitudinal displacements that vary continuously with time. The columns exhibit non-linear viscoelastic behavior that is studied by mechanical models constructed by using non-linear springs and dashpots. Besides, the columns are functionally graded along the radius of the cross-sections. A simple expression for the dissipated strain energy in the columns under consideration is derived. The expression holds for columns having portions with different radius of the cross-section. Also, the expression derived is applicable for columns built-up by concentric layers. Results indicating how the dissipated strain energy is influenced by various factors (distribution of material properties, geometry of the columns and loading) are presented. These results are found by using a non-linear viscoelastic model with one spring and one dashpot. A check-up is performed by determining the dissipated strain energy through subtracting the strain energy in the spring of viscoelastic model from the whole strain energy in the column.