“…Strongest suppression is induced by stimuli in the RF and surround of the same orientation, spatial frequency, drift direction, and speed, and weaker suppression or facilitation is induced by stimuli of orthogonal parameters (e.g., orthogonally oriented stimuli or stimuli drifting in opposite directions) (DeAngelis et al 1994, Li & Li 1994, Sengpiel et al 1997, Walker et al 1999, Cavanaugh et al 2002a, Müller et al 2003, Webb et al 2005, Henry et al 2013, Self et al 2014). Importantly, the orientation tuning of SM is independent of the orientation preference of the recorded neurons: strongest suppression occurs for iso-oriented stimuli in the RF and surround, even if the stimulus in the RF is not at the neuron’s preferred orientation (Sillito et al 1995, Cavanaugh et al 2002b, Shushruth et al 2012), provided that such a stimulus evokes a response from the neuron when presented in the RF alone (Shushruth et al 2012).…”